Category: LIMS

AI Trends in Laboratories

AI trends in laboratories

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way laboratories operate, offering new capabilities that improve efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. From automation to predictive analytics, AI is transforming every aspect of laboratory workflows. Let’s explore some key AI trends that are reshaping the field of laboratory science.

Here are the AI trends in Laboratories

1. Automation for Efficiency


One of the most significant impacts of AI in laboratories is automation. AI-powered systems can handle routine tasks such as sample processing, data analysis, and report generation. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces the risk of human error, leading to more reliable results.

2. Predictive Analytics for Informed Decision Making


AI’s ability to analyse large volumes of data has made predictive analytics a powerful tool in laboratories. By predicting outcomes such as equipment failure or experiment results, labs can make better-informed decisions and optimise their workflows.

3. Personalised Medicine and Genomics


In the field of personalised medicine, AI is playing a crucial role in analysing patient data to develop personalised treatment plans. AI algorithms can analyse genomic data to identify genetic markers and predict the effectiveness of specific treatments, leading to more targeted therapies.

4. Accelerating Drug Discovery


AI is also revolutionising the drug discovery process by analysing vast amounts of data to identify potential drug candidates. This has the potential to significantly accelerate the development of new drugs and reduce costs associated with traditional drug discovery methods.

drug discovery
5. Quality Control and Assurance


AI is improving quality control processes by analysing data from sensors and monitoring systems to detect anomalies. This helps ensure that products meet quality standards and reduces the risk of defects.

6. Image Analysis for Diagnostics


AI algorithms can analyse images from microscopes and other imaging devices to identify patterns and anomalies. This is particularly valuable in diagnostics, where AI can aid in the early detection of diseases.

7. Internet of Things (IoT) and Connectivity


IoT devices in laboratories enable the collection of real-time data from various sources, such as equipment and sensors. This data can be analysed by AI systems to optimise processes and improve decision-making. Connectivity solutions streamline data transfer,  integration,  and  interoperability between different laboratory automation platforms and informatics systems (Mana Àbdaulh Ali Al Zamanan, 2023). 

8. Natural Language Processing for Data Extraction


In the realm of scientific literature and patient records, AI’s natural language processing (NLP) capabilities are invaluable. NLP enables AI to extract relevant information from vast amounts of text, aiding in data analysis and decision-making.

9. Robotics for Lab Automation


AI-driven robots are increasingly used in labs for tasks such as sample handling and experiment conduction. These robots improve efficiency and safety by reducing the need for human intervention in potentially hazardous environments.

10. Regulatory Compliance


AI can help labs ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by analysing data to identify areas of non-compliance and suggesting corrective actions. This reduces the risk of regulatory issues and ensures that labs operate in accordance with relevant standards.

In conclusion, AI is transforming laboratory operations in ways that were previously unimaginable. From automation to predictive analytics, AI is enhancing efficiency, improving accuracy, and driving innovation in laboratories around the world. As AI continues to evolve, its impact on laboratory science is only expected to grow, leading to exciting new possibilities in research, diagnostics, genomics and healthcare.

Did you know that OnQ Software and COMPUTD are hosting an interactive workshop at Analytica in Munich that focuses on the integration of AI in labs to enhance efficiency and innovation. Whether you are new to AI or have some experience, there will be something for everyone. Visit us at Analytica, or contact us. 



Ahmad Barnawi, A., Al Otaibi, M. J., Alhashash, S. Y., Alfouzan, M. S., Alotaibi, M. B., Alduways, A. H. B. M., … Alaqeel, M. A. M. (2023). Trends in Laboratory Automation and Robotics. Journal of Namibian Studies, 36(S2), 1993-2004. ISSN: 2197-5523 (online).

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    Trends in LIMS

    Trends in LIMS

    LIMS are evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements and the changing needs of modern laboratories. Keeping up with these trends is crucial for laboratories looking to enhance their efficiency, data management, and compliance. In this article, we’ll explore some of the trends in LIMS.

    To begin with, understanding the fundamental role of LIMS and its significance for laboratories is essential. Laboratories across the globe use a management system to manage data, inventory, and user permissions and this system is known as the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). LIMS provides seamless access to data, which can then be categorised and structured into various reports as required. A comprehensive LIMS can handle a wide range of laboratory data, from initial log-in procedures to result reporting. Let’s have a look at the latest trends in LIMS together.

    1. SaaS LIMS

    First trend could be SaaS, or Software as a Service. It has emerged as a leading trend in the LIMS industry, transforming the way laboratories manage their data. With SaaS-based LIMS, laboratories can enjoy the benefits of easy access, seamless scalability, and reduced IT infrastructure costs. This trend reflects a shift towards more agile and cost-effective solutions, allowing labs to focus on their core activities without the burden of managing complex IT systems. As more laboratories embrace the cloud-based model, SaaS LIMS is poised to revolutionise data management in the industry. 

    SaaS LIMS

    2. Integration with IoT and Automation

    Integration with Internet of Things (IoT) devices and automation systems is transforming how data is collected and managed in laboratories. LIMS can now seamlessly integrate with IoT devices and instruments, enabling real-time data monitoring and analysis. This integration improves efficiency, reduces manual errors, and accelerates decision-making processes.

    3. QR Codes

    QR codes are revolutionising sample tracking and management in laboratories. By incorporating QR codes into their LIMS, laboratories can easily track samples throughout the testing process. QR codes enable quick and accurate identification of samples, reducing the risk of errors and improving traceability. With the ability to store a wealth of information in a compact format, QR codes are enhancing data management in labs, making workflows more efficient and improving overall productivity. 

    4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trend in LIMS

    The potential applications of AI in laboratories are extensive and can work alongside human efforts. Labs rely on extensive data use and constant analysis, and integrating AI and machine learning can significantly benefit these operations. AI algorithms can process large amounts of data quickly and accurately. In laboratories, this means accelerated data analysis, allowing researchers to obtain meaningful results in a fraction of the time it traditionally takes. 

    To learn more about AI in labs, read our blog here

    5. Compliance and Data Security

    With increasing regulatory requirements, compliance and data security are top priorities for laboratories. Modern LIMS solutions offer robust features for ensuring compliance with regulations such as FDA, ISO, and GLP. They also provide enhanced data security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive information.

    Data security is paramount in laboratory settings, and cloud-based solutions like AWS offer advanced security features to protect sensitive information. AWS provides a secure environment for data storage and transmission, utilising encryption and access control mechanisms to safeguard data from unauthorised access or breaches. Additionally, AWS offers compliance certifications, ensuring that data management practices align with industry standards and regulations. By leveraging AWS services, laboratories can enhance their data security posture and mitigate potential risks associated with data management. 

    Did you know QLIMS has these features? From cloud-based convenience to seamless automation and QR code integration, QLIMS is your gateway to enhanced efficiency and data security. Want to see it in action? Fill the form below, or send an email today and experience firsthand the difference QLIMS can make in your laboratory. Let’s embark on this journey together towards smarter, more efficient lab management!

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      How to Improve Core Lab Operations

      core lab

      Optimising Core Lab Performance:
      Omics Challenges Meet LIMS Solution

      In the dynamic realm of core labs, where the focus is on unravelling the mysteries of omics—proteomics, genomics, and sequencing—the quest for groundbreaking discoveries is ceaseless. Core labs play a pivotal role in revealing new drug targets, diagnostic methods, and personalised drug therapies, driving the advancement of medical science. This brings to mind the big question “How to improve core lab operations?”.

      However, to be effective partners to their customers, core labs must navigate the challenges of being better, faster, and more cost-efficient. The cornerstone of success in this quest lies in turnaround time—a critical factor that defines customer satisfaction. To elevate their commitment, core labs are adopting a bold approach: guaranteeing their work with strict deadlines. If a deadline is not met, a discount on the project becomes a testament to their accountability.

      The key to achieving excellence is the use of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS). LIMS plays a crucial role in improving efficiency and innovation in core labs. It offers a strong foundation for automation, helps address key challenges, and provides a range of benefits.

      Maximising Efficiency through LIMS Automation

      A LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) helps laboratories to ensure the quality and integrity of their results by managing the details and necessary elements of conducting work in a core lab. The best LIMS generally come with pre-built workflows that are compatible with common instrumentation, so labs can start managing runs in the system from the get-go. 


      Additionally, LIMS can offer powerful application programming interfaces (APIs) based on familiar and standard scripting tools that lab staff can use to create custom workflows specific to their needs.


      By standardising workflows and vocabularies and integrating systems for seamless data transfer, LIMS virtually eliminates data entry errors that may occur due to manual entries.

      In essence, LIMS emerges as the catalyst for progress in core labs, offering a holistic solution to the challenges posed by the omics revolution. As core labs strive to strike the delicate balance between being good, fast, and cost-effective, LIMS stands as a technological ally, propelling them toward new frontiers in scientific exploration.


      Join us on a journey where the convergence of omics and LIMS reshapes the landscape of core labs, fostering innovation, efficiency, and excellence. Stay tuned for more insights into the dynamic interplay between technology and scientific discovery! 

      To learn more how we can improve operations and run your core lab like a business fill the form below, contact us today!

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        Mastering the Data Maze: LIMS in Action

        Data Management with LIMS

        As laboratories continue to grapple with an increasing volume of data, implementing a solution becomes a necessity. LIMS is a solution designed to help laboratories manage their data effectively. With the increasing volume of data generated in labs, LIMS offers advanced features to streamline workflows and improve data accuracy. From sample collection to analysis, LIMS ensures seamless integration of data across the entire laboratory workflow. By adopting LIMS, laboratories can improve their efficiency and pave the way for scientific breakthroughs. In this blog article, we will dive into how LIMS optimises data management in laboratories.

        Data Management Benefits with LIMS

        Let’s Move Beyond Traditional Notebooks

        Navigating through the maze of lab data stored in notebooks can be a challenging task. While it may seem easy to jot down numbers or attach result printouts, the real challenge arises when you need to retrieve that information months later without any hassle. This becomes crucial when compiling reports or facing audits. Managing lab data often involves manual transposition into spreadsheets or databases, followed by constructing control charts and turnaround time calculations, which is a time-consuming and error-prone process. However with the introduction of a cutting-edge Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), these inefficiencies can be transcended.


        LIMS not only takes the hassle out of data management but also enhances control and accessibility. No longer do you need to manually transfer results; LIMS can seamlessly integrate with instruments and other systems. This integration brings forth a wealth of functionalities, significantly reducing the likelihood of manual data errors. Moreover, it fosters interdepartmental collaboration by providing convenient access to manufacturing data for easy comparison with lab data. In essence, LIMS doesn’t just simplify; it revolutionises lab data management, freeing your team from tedious manual tasks and empowering them to focus on what matters most—accelerating scientific progress.

        Understanding the Data Lifecycle

        Successful data management begins with a thorough understanding of the data lifecycle. LIMS takes a comprehensive approach, starting with the initial stage of sample collection. The system facilitates the seamless entry of sample data, ensuring accuracy and eliminating the risk of manual errors. As samples progress through various stages of processing, LIMS maintains a detailed and traceable record, capturing every step in the laboratory procedures.

        Automating Workflows

        A key strength of LIMS lies in its capacity to automate workflows, addressing the challenge of diverse laboratory processes. By optimising tasks such as sample preparation and analysis, LIMS not only reduces manual effort but also minimises the potential for errors, contributing significantly to enhanced data accuracy.

        Upholding Data Integrity

        Data integrity is of paramount importance, especially in regulated laboratories. It involves protecting and ensuring the compliance of data and records with regulatory standards. LIMS plays a crucial role in upholding these principles by providing a solid foundation for adhering to industry regulations and ensuring quality assurance. It ensures data integrity by meticulously documenting sample journeys and implementing strict quality control measures, making it an essential component of the laboratory workflow.

        Did you know QLIMS has been at the forefront of lab management for a quarter of a century? You can read one of our case studies with Comvita, one of the largest honey companies, here and discover how QLIMS revolutionised their processes, making data-driven decisions a breeze and boosting productivity by 20%.

        Our extensive experience has empowered numerous laboratories, transforming their data management and accelerating scientific progress. If you are ready to revolutionise your lab’s efficiency, just fill the form above to learn more!

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          Future-Proofing Your Lab with SaaS LIMS

          future proof your lab

          In the constantly evolving world of laboratories, it is crucial to adapt to the future to maintain excellence. Laboratories that adopt Software as a Service (SaaS) LIMS are at the forefront of innovation. Unlike traditional on-premises installations, SaaS LIMS is a flexible solution that ensures laboratories remain future-proof. Let’s delve into the transformative capabilities of SaaS LIMS and explore how it revolutionizes the way labs operate and evolve.

          First things first… What is SaaS Installation?

          Software as a Service (SaaS) Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a modern approach to laboratory information management. Unlike traditional LIMS that are installed on local servers, SaaS LIMS is hosted in a cloud-based environment. In this model, an external service provider manages and maintains the LIMS software on their servers. Laboratories can access and use the LIMS software through the Internet, which eliminates the need for extensive local infrastructure and maintenance. SaaS LIMS offers benefits such as scalability, flexibility, and real-time collaboration, which makes it an ideal solution for modern laboratories looking for streamlined operations and efficient data management.

          Agility in Software Updates

          You can experience the power of agility with SaaS LIMS as it brings regular and seamless software updates to your laboratory. Adopting an agile development process, SaaS LIMS offers frequent upgrades—approximately every 3-4 months—ensuring that your lab stays ahead with the latest features and functionalities. It’s not just about the updates; it’s about providing you with new capabilities that can transform your workflow. LIMS company must ensure that the information about the new features is delivered to the customers at the right time, allowing them to understand their impact on their lab’s operations effectively.

          Dynamic Functionality Enhancements

          SaaS LIMS, unlike static on-premises solutions, offers dynamic functionality enhancements that respond quickly to user inputs and industry trends. This means that your lab software evolves organically, adjusting and expanding alongside the changing needs of your laboratory. With SaaS LIMS, you’re not just receiving updates; you’re experiencing a system that is intelligently designed to grow and adapt. This ensures that your laboratory stays at the forefront of technological advancements and industry best practices.

          Effortless Error Fixes

          You can ensure smooth software operation and optimised lab processes with SaaS LIMS. In the operational realm, software defects or bugs are inevitable, but SaaS LIMS simplifies the process. Any reported issues are promptly categorised by the supplier, from critical to cosmetic. The resolution, often in the form of a software patch or hotfix, is swiftly released to users, ensuring that your lab operations remain smooth and uninterrupted. 

          Operational Simplicity

          SaaS LIMS redefines operational simplicity for laboratories. Routine updates and maintenance are seamlessly managed by the LIMS company. It allows your team to focus on groundbreaking research, not IT management. 

          Did you know that QLIMS is a SaaS LIMS? To harness all the advantages mentioned above and future-proof your laboratory, reach out to us today by filling out the form below! 

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            Why Next-Generation Genomics Labs Need LIMS

            Next Generation Genomics and LIMS

            DNA, the code that governs all life on Earth, has fascinated scientists for decades. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionised genomics by enabling faster and more accurate reading of DNA. This has opened up new avenues for research and insights into the complexities encoded within our genes. This is where the indispensable role of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) comes into play. Why do Next-Generation Genomics laboratories need LIMS? By combining cutting-edge sequencing technologies with advanced data management solutions, genomics and LIMS are paving the way for unparalleled discoveries.

            Why Next-Generation Genomics Labs Need LIMS

            Here’s why the next generation of genomics labs can’t afford to overlook the transformative power of LIMS:

            1. Efficiency Redefined

            NGS laboratories operate at a fast pace that demands efficiency. LIMS seamlessly integrates with NGS workflows, streamlining processes from sample intake to data analysis, significantly boosting operational efficiency. By automating tasks and reducing manual errors, LIMS helps researchers focus on their core work, thereby increasing productivity, saving time, and reducing costs.

            2. Taming the Data Deluge

            In the era of NGS, data volumes are staggering, making data management and organization a significant challenge. LIMS takes the lead in managing and organizing vast genomic datasets, ensuring accessibility and maintaining data integrity with unparalleled precision. LIMS also offers data analytics tools that help researchers make sense of the data deluge, enabling them to derive meaningful insights and drive research forward.

            3. Traceability Ensured, Quality Secured

            High-throughput NGS requires meticulous sample traceability to ensure data quality and accuracy. LIMS provides a robust system for tracking each sample’s journey, from sample intake to data analysis, coupled with stringent quality control measures, guaranteeing the reliability of results. With LIMS, researchers can be confident that their results are accurate and reproducible.

            4. Multi-Omics Harmony

            Genomics research extends beyond sequencing. LIMS seamlessly integrates multi-omics approaches, harmonizing genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics data under one cohesive umbrella. This integration enables researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of biological systems, providing insights into complex diseases and driving breakthrough discoveries.

            5. Collaboration Centralised

            Collaboration is pivotal in genomics. LIMS acts as the centralized hub, fostering collaboration among researchers, enabling secure data sharing, and facilitating collective insights that drive groundbreaking discoveries. With LIMS, researchers can work together seamlessly, sharing data and insights in real time, accelerating research progress.

            6. Compliance with Confidence

            Genomics deals with sensitive data, and compliance is non-negotiable. LIMS ensures adherence to regulatory standards, safeguarding data integrity and confidentiality, and meeting the stringent requirements of genomics research. With LIMS, researchers can be confident that their data is secure and compliant with industry regulations.

            7. Towards Precision Medicine

            The collaboration between NGS labs and LIMS propels us towards the goals of precision medicine. LIMS plays a crucial role in managing patient data, ensuring privacy, and translating genomic insights into personalised therapeutic strategies. With LIMS, researchers can analyze patient data and derive insights that help develop targeted treatments and therapies, making precision medicine a reality.

            Are you looking to unlock the full potential of genomics research? If so, you’ll be excited to hear that Next-Generation Genomics Labs have found a powerful ally in LIMS. LIMS isn’t just about managing data; it’s about enabling transformative discoveries that will shape the future of genomics. Stay tuned as we dive into the compelling reasons why LIMS is the cornerstone of the next generation of genomics labs. Contact us today to learn more about our QLIMS!

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              How LES Complements LIMS for Seamless Lab Operations

              LES and LIMS

              The integration of LES (Lab Execution Systems) and LIMS has become increasingly popular. This powerful combination can help to boost efficiency, accuracy, and compliance across a wide range of laboratory processes. By working together, LES and LIMS can revolutionise the way labs operate. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key benefits of this integration.

              Enhanced Data Accuracy

              In the pursuit of data accuracy, LES plays a pivotal role by capturing real-time data during lab processes, minimising the risk of manual errors. This data seamlessly integrates with LIMS, ensuring a consistent and accurate flow of information throughout the laboratory workflow.

              Workflow Automation

              LES automates diverse laboratory processes, optimising workflow efficiency from sample preparation to analysis. Integrated with LIMS, it aligns automated processes with the comprehensive data management and reporting capabilities of the broader system.

              Comprehensive Data Tracking

              LES meticulously monitors and records every step of lab procedures, offering a detailed and traceable history of sample processing. LIMS leverages this detailed information, creating a comprehensive database for easy retrieval and analysis when needed.

              Regulatory Compliance

              LES often incorporates features designed to help labs adhere to industry regulations and standards. When paired with LIMS, it seamlessly ensures compliance with regulatory requirements related to data management and reporting.

              Sample Lifecycle Management

              Managing the complete lifecycle of a sample, from collection to disposal, is a forte of LES. LIMS integrates this information, providing a holistic view of sample data, including storage conditions, usage history, and relevant analytical results.

              Real-time Monitoring

              LES enables real-time monitoring of ongoing experiments and processes, while LIMS utilises this live data feed to offer instant updates on sample status, experiment progress, and any deviations from expected outcomes.

              Increased Efficiency

              By automating routine tasks and data entry, LES reduces the time and effort required for manual work. Integrated with LES, LIMS capitalises on these efficiency gains, ensuring a smoother and more streamlined laboratory operation.

              Data Integrity and Security

              LES contributes to data integrity by minimising human errors and ensuring accurate information recording. LIMS, as the overarching data management system, maintains the security and integrity of the entire dataset, safeguarding against unauthorised access or data corruption.

              Reporting and Analysis

              LES generates real-time reports on ongoing experiments, and LIMS consolidates this data for comprehensive analysis. Together, they provide a robust platform for generating insightful reports, aiding decision-making processes within the laboratory.

              In essence, the combination of LES and LIMS creates a powerful and cohesive system that not only enhances the efficiency of laboratory processes but also ensures the accuracy, security, and compliance of the data generated.


              QLIMS goes beyond the traditional LIMS experience by seamlessly incorporating LES functionality. This innovative integration significantly reduces the time required for lab processes, allowing your team to focus on more critical tasks. It also reduces operational costs by automating routine tasks, minimising manual errors, and optimising resource utilisation.

              Choosing QLIMS means choosing a solution that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of modern laboratories. Elevate your lab operations, save costs, and ensure the highest standards of data accuracy and compliance. Contact us today to learn more. 

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              LIMS for R&D Laboratories

              LIMS for R&D labs

              In Research and Development (R&D) labs, innovation is the most crucial aspect, and the data generated during the process holds the key to unlocking new possibilities. However, many labs face the challenge of efficiently managing vast amounts of data. This article explores how cutting-edge Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) provide solutions to these challenges and pave the way for streamlined R&D operations.

              Challenges in R&D Labs

              R&D organisations face several common challenges when dealing with outdated data management processes. Legacy systems, such as paper records and Excel spreadsheets, often result in inconsistencies in testing methods, variations in lab processes, and data access security issues. These challenges can lead to significant time wastage on administrative tasks, ultimately hindering the overall efficiency of the lab.

              Overcoming Challenges with LIMS in R&D Labs

              These challenges can lead to the question of how to navigate these challenges effectively. The answer is simple: implementing LIMS. Unlike traditional methods, modern LIMS acts as a centralised system that harmonises procedures and consolidates data across labs and locations. Laboratory Information Management Systems are designed to overcome the challenges faced in organising R&D data. 

              It helps to optimise resource utilisation, simplify request submission, and enable quick data extraction for further analysis. LIMS provides a comprehensive solution for ad-hoc and on-demand workflows and offers several tools for resource monitoring, work assignments, and an easy-to-use request and sample submission function. It also provides enhanced client interactions, allowing secure, sample submissions, and result retrievals. LIMS integrates seamlessly with various tools for efficient data analysis and export. It is possible to migrate your data within a few weeks.

              These benefits increase performance, enhance productivity, reduce errors, and integrate with other systems for automated data collection in R&D labs. With browser-based access, they reduce IT maintenance costs and provide flexibility in accessing lab information from any device.

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              Discover QLIMS

              Now, let’s shed light on what makes QLIMS stand out: 


              •  QLIMS is not just a traditional LIMS; it’s a state-of-the-art Software as a SaaS solution. Experience the ease of cloud-based accessibility, eliminating on-premise challenges and ensuring efficient laboratory data management from anywhere, at any time.
              • QLIMS boasts a best-in-class user interface, offering unparalleled user experience. Effortlessly manage and visualize data with a focus on efficient and visually engaging data presentation. 
              • QLIMS stands out with its flexibility achieved through a configuration-centric approach. Say goodbye to extensive customization through complex coding.

              As we explore the incorporation of advanced LIMS solutions in R&D laboratories, it becomes clear that this partnership is changing the scientific research and testing landscape. This is not just a technological upgrade, this is unlocking new horizons in exploration. Let’s pave the way for a future where innovation has no boundaries. Contact us today. 

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              Industries in LIMS – PART 2

              Industries in LIMS

              Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) are transforming multiple industries, not just one. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various industries where LIMS is playing a crucial role by revolutionising processes and ensuring compliance with strict standards. To reach Industries in LIMS Part 1 click here


              Before delving into the examination of industries, let’s not forget that there are many new and upcoming industries, as well as emerging scientific technologies, that can be explored and supported by LIMS.


              6. Medical Cannabis

              In the rapidly growing field of Medical Cannabis, precision and compliance are crucial. LIMS facilitates the tracking and testing of cannabis products, ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations. 


              QLIMS streamlines processes, from seed to sale, providing a comprehensive quality control, inventory management, and regulatory reporting solution. Manage every aspect of cannabis testing, including potency, microbial contaminants, heavy metals, aflatoxin, residual solvents, and pesticides. Our system supports full ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001:2015 compliance, GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), and 21 CFR part 11, ensuring that your cannabis laboratory can be relied upon for accurate information.

              LIMS Medical Cannabis Industry

              7. Forensics

              Forensic laboratories rely on LIMS to streamline their case management, evidence tracking, and analysis processes. LIMS is a secure and centralised platform that allows forensic data to be managed efficiently, ensuring the integrity and traceability of evidence. From the crime scene to the courtroom, LIMS is essential in maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and accountability.


              With QLIMS, cases, samples, and testing can be handled efficiently, ensuring data integrity. A secure chain of custody, audit trail, and granular role-based permissions ensure that only authorised users can perform necessary tasks. Managing a complicated variety of data types, such as DNA, chemical testing, and ballistics has never been easier.

              8. Clinical Laboratories

              In the realm of Clinical Laboratories, LIMS is instrumental in managing patient samples, maintaining accurate records, and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations. QLIMS streamlines processes, reducing turnaround times, and improving patient care. Its configurable nature allows clinical labs to tailor workflows to specific testing requirements.


              With QLIMS, you can perform complex analyses easily and intuitively, and then create visually impressive patient reports. Whether it be NGS, QPCR, Micro-Array, Pathology, or nutrition and amino acid panels, all can be handled by QLIMS. Communication via HL7 means QLIMS supports your lab end-to-end.

              9. Metals and Mining

              Metals and Mining laboratories rely on LIMS for precise analysis of ore samples, ensuring quality control throughout the extraction and processing phases. QLIMS provides a comprehensive solution for managing sample data, tracking analysis results, and ensuring compliance with industry standards. It plays a crucial role in optimising operational efficiency and maintaining high-quality standards in the extraction industry.


              QLIMS provides real-time feedback on sample deviations, reduces paper and automates processes to increase efficiencies and enable faster and better-informed decision-making. Integrating with instruments and laboratory and business systems, including PIMS, MES and ERP solutions. It also enables remote and onsite laboratory managers to track, monitor, analyse and report critical events and actions in real-time.

              10. Agriculture

              In Agriculture, LIMS is a valuable tool for quality control in soil testing, seed analysis, and crop research. QLIMS supports the agriculture industry by providing a structured framework for data management, ensuring traceability from field to market. It aids in making informed decisions for crop improvement, pest control, and overall agricultural productivity.

              With QLIMS, you can explore the potential and assistance available to drive innovation across multiple fields. Contact us now to discover how QLIMS can revolutionize your laboratory experience. Your success is just a click away!

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              Industries in LIMS – PART 1

              Industries in LIMS

              Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) are transforming multiple industries, not just one. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various industries where LIMS is playing a crucial role by revolutionizing processes and ensuring compliance with strict standards. 

              Before delving into the examination of industries, let’s not forget that there are many new and upcoming industries, as well as emerging scientific technologies, that can be explored and supported by LIMS. 

              1. Pharmaceutical

              In the pharmaceutical sector, LIMS is a cornerstone for research and development. From managing vast datasets in drug discovery to ensuring regulatory compliance in manufacturing, LIMS enhances efficiency and traceability, accelerating the entire product lifecycle. 


              You can ensure your pharmaceutical laboratory runs efficiently with QLIMS supporting the manufacturing and quality control processes surrounding the management of raw materials, finished products and formulations. Real-time KPI business intelligence dashboards mean that laboratory and QA managers are always on top of the operation.

              2. Food and Beverage

              Especially in the Food and Beverage industry, ensuring the quality and safety of food and beverages is paramount. LIMS provides comprehensive solutions for quality control, from raw material testing to final product analysis. It aids in maintaining consistency, meeting industry standards, and swiftly addressing any quality deviations.


              QLIMS supports GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and multiple disciplines such as microbiology and chemistry in the food and beverage process. Sample planning and scheduling of environmental swabs as well as integration of instruments ensures large sample volumes are kept under control.

              3. Dairy

              LIMS proves invaluable in the production of milk, providing a systematic approach to quality control. From testing raw milk for contaminants to monitoring pasteurization processes, LIMS enhances efficiency and accuracy, ensuring that each batch meets the highest standards.


              Also, microbiology testing and issuing certificates of analyses for high sample volumes can be easily streamlined. Sample planning and scheduling of environmental swabs as well as integration of instruments helps to reduce bottlenecks and maximise laboratory resources.

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              4. Environmental and Water

              Environmental laboratories rely on Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) to navigate complex regulatory landscapes. LIMS facilitates the tracking and analysis of environmental samples, ensuring adherence to stringent standards. Real-time monitoring capabilities contribute to swift responses in the face of environmental challenges.


              With QLIMS, we offer a tailored solution that addresses the unique challenges of international environmental testing and contract laboratories. Our system ensures strict compliance with regulations, maintaining environmental purity from the source to the end consumer.


              In addition to managing the entire batch, sample, and testing lifecycle, environmental and water labs that use QLIMS benefit from batch sequencing and worklists that incorporate controls, blanks, duplicates, and spikes. The inclusion of GPS coordinates for all sampling points ensures data integrity. Dynamic rounding rules, quality control charts, and multi-tiered limits streamline the validation process. Integration with SCADA and Water Outlook has never been more seamless.

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              5. Oil and Gas

              LIMS empowers oil and gas companies to uphold the highest standards of quality, safety, and compliance, ensuring the seamless exploration, production, and distribution of energy resources.


              QLIMS offers a configurable system that uses standard ASTM methods with established limits, reference ranges, and dynamic rounding rules to ensure accurate and consistent testing, leading to high-quality results. It also provides a comprehensive API, making it easy to integrate with ERP, MES, ELN, and CDS systems.

              With QLIMS, you can explore the potential and assistance available to drive innovation across multiple fields. Stay tuned for PART 2 as we reveal more industries that have been revolutionised by LIMS.

              Curious about how LIMS can revolutionise operations in your industry? Contact us now.

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