What are the main questions on a Laboratory Manager, Laboratory Director, Quality Manager, COO and/or CFO’s mind which are asked of the laboratory?
There is operational reporting which is metrics related to how the laboratory is performing and useful to know on a regular basis. Examples may be turnaround time for testing and how many samples of what test are being processed.
Then there is what is often classified as management information which aims at informing manager’s of different aspects of the business to help them make better informed decisions. Often related to KPI’s and are the questions often asked by senior management on a Friday afternoon which is needed for a board meeting that afternoon or on Monday morning.
Without the need to access third party solutions, QLIMS Business Intelligence suite is designed to solve this problem and not only provide this information, but in an interactive and visually appealing dashboards that are easily filtered and interpreted. All from within your LIMS as it is the source of truth for laboratory and quality control data.
Here is an example to answer the question of where does my work come from?
For more information you can access our QLIMS Business Intelligence brochure and contact our friendly team.